A child will go through several stages of development between 4 and 12 years of age and it may not be linear. It is likely that at many points you may wonder: What’s going on here? What just happened? Did something happen at school? Things were never like this, why now?
There are no fixed rules, and it’s always a good idea to reach out if things are beginning to feel not quite okay. Do get in touch with the teachers at school or anyone else with whom the child spends time in order to get the complete picture.
Here are some signs to look out for:
Shift in day to day interests and activities along with change in appetite, sleep patterns, mood swings etc. If it persists beyond two weeks, do consult a physician first to rule out any physiological issues.
Appears to be excessively worried or sad or stressed.
Change in attitude- rudeness, defiant behaviour, argumentative, complaining, defensive about the smallest of requests or even observations.
Drop in social activities, engagement, withdrawn, prefers to stay at home
Lack of focus, fidgety, unable to sit still (new development)
Display of anxiety, clinginess, fearfulness, temper tantrums
Recent transition like a change in social circle, school, home, family dynamic like a divorce or separation or death
Any traumatic event